Monday, May 18, 2009

孙燕姿留言"300 Zs"翻译


GOOOOD Evening everybardy,
While on the plane today, my sister and I were talking about certain fears.
今天在飛機上的時候 ,我跟我妹讨论了一些关于恐惧的话题。

"Do you know why some people keep the tap on while they brush their teeth?"


"I was thinking about it last night. Initially, I thought it was because they are afraid that the water might somehow run out and therefore the current stream of running water might have been some sort of an assurance. Then I thought, no it's because they are afraid of not being able to rinse out the toothpaste from their mouth the very minute they are done."

It is not a revelation, pure laziness could explain the whole tap running thing, it could explain a lot of things I suppose, but let's not get lazy and take it for more than it should be credited.

Has it been worth the wait? Could I have found the answers earlier? I had people asking me how I did it, why I could have done it, one even asked if I knew I was worth the wait. I'm not a magician, and as you already know, I don't have all the answers to everything I do. It could have been a complete failure, another 2 hour long music program, just another concert to dole out just because it was about time to refresh everyone's memory and rinse that stale taste from the mouth.

But it wasn't just that. It was about letting the sting fester and scab, and then nipping it in the bud even when there were no clear answers, no map, no end in sight. It was about taking it up, gathering your nerves and believing in your power to control a destiny. It was a great battle, thank you for giving me the chance to fight. I can sleep like a pig now.


300 Zs