Saturday, May 30, 2009

first entry on posterous


me: i don know what to say.
blog:then don upload lor...
me:actually so many things happened these days,i'm simply too lazy n dizzy to update.

See the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from Florence Dreamwalker

damn prc gov blocked blogger again


well...then i may update to this new blog


Monday, May 18, 2009

孙燕姿留言"300 Zs"翻译


GOOOOD Evening everybardy,
While on the plane today, my sister and I were talking about certain fears.
今天在飛機上的時候 ,我跟我妹讨论了一些关于恐惧的话题。

"Do you know why some people keep the tap on while they brush their teeth?"


"I was thinking about it last night. Initially, I thought it was because they are afraid that the water might somehow run out and therefore the current stream of running water might have been some sort of an assurance. Then I thought, no it's because they are afraid of not being able to rinse out the toothpaste from their mouth the very minute they are done."

It is not a revelation, pure laziness could explain the whole tap running thing, it could explain a lot of things I suppose, but let's not get lazy and take it for more than it should be credited.

Has it been worth the wait? Could I have found the answers earlier? I had people asking me how I did it, why I could have done it, one even asked if I knew I was worth the wait. I'm not a magician, and as you already know, I don't have all the answers to everything I do. It could have been a complete failure, another 2 hour long music program, just another concert to dole out just because it was about time to refresh everyone's memory and rinse that stale taste from the mouth.

But it wasn't just that. It was about letting the sting fester and scab, and then nipping it in the bud even when there were no clear answers, no map, no end in sight. It was about taking it up, gathering your nerves and believing in your power to control a destiny. It was a great battle, thank you for giving me the chance to fight. I can sleep like a pig now.


300 Zs

Thursday, May 14, 2009

threadless giveaway&swine flu suspect


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今天收到threadless.com的print giveaway
我没有想到他们真的会把这个免费发放的giveaway从Chicago寄到北京来,所以当我从学校的收发室拿到它是我有点小惊讶.而且他们填的收件人是: Stella那个收发室的工作人员居然对我说下次再收到这种英文收件人的邮件就直接丢掉。。== 讨厌~他有什么权利。。。

但是,我确实有些怕,从芝加哥寄来不会带着swine flu的病毒吧--。。。所以我赢消毒液把它从头到尾擦了一遍,但如果真的有携带病毒,这样子做也没用吧。
现在swine flu随着美洲留学生的回国,开始蔓延开来。


Monday, May 11, 2009

happy swine flu


因为猪流感的原因,我爸告诉我先不要订去新加坡的机票。而据在新加坡的同学说目前新加坡还没有确诊病例。though i said "ok" on the phone,i actually oredy booked hotels in s' will go.

相反,北京看上却是将要猪流感肆虐,因为有一名四川的美国留学生被确诊,而他乘坐飞机的过程中与162名在北京的人有过接触,目前只找到84人,也就是说仍有接近80个与患者近距离接触过的人正在北京撒播这些happy swine flu的病毒。主要集中于海淀区和朝阳区。而我每周由于新闻中心工作的原因,每周都要经过人口密集的中关村和五道口。




I found this interesting part in a blog of a mraketing student:

As I have Tweeted yesterday, I am adding another segment to my blog posts
with the help of Google. In my every post, I will update you with the Top 3
Most Searched Key Words on Google. I'll give you facts about that particular
topic and give my opinion on why people are searching for that. That is if I
can think of any reasons.

So let's start with No 3 on the Charts.

Nadim Van Der Ros.

Ummm.. I totally have no idea who this person is. So who ever you are, I
want to tell you that around 43% of Singaporeans are looking for you in Google.

around 43% ah?是谁告诉我新加坡人都不八卦的?是谁告诉我celeb的私生活对新加坡人完全没有吸引力。
NO.3 much much muchsss more popular than his girlfriend huh? cool ==|||

Friday, May 08, 2009

Good enough留言翻译


The last two weeks have been grueling.

I'm now nursing a fragile 'post recovery' stomach and some injured ribs down my left side. I am hoping that in a week, they would ALL go away and I would be trip hoppin down the giant egg. Believing in karma means that this has to be so, it's payback first and then the fruits of the labour later.
我正在调养我已恢复却很脆弱的肠胃,以及我身体左下方受伤的肋骨。我希望一个星期之内,(这些不好的状况)都可以消失掉,然后我就可以活蹦乱跳的进入小巨蛋。相信因果轮回就意味着人的生命经历就是要这样,首先要吃些苦头,然后才会得到你所付出劳作的果实。(karma, 业,印度宗教一个普遍的观念。请参阅wikipedia)

Let us cross our fingers everybardy.