Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the new legend of white snake 新白娘子传奇


千年等一回 等你回来
千年等一回 我无悔
是 谁 在 耳 边
说 爱 我 永 不 变
只 为 这 一 句
断 肠 也 无 怨

雨 心 碎 风 流 泪 噫……
梦 缠 绵 情 悠 远 噫……

西 湖 的 水 我 的 泪
我 情 愿 和 你 化 作 一 团 火 焰。。。

the theme song of the drama The New Legand of White Snake

i always think taiwan shows suck.then today i happened to watch the old drama 新白娘子传奇 The New Legand of White Snake which produced in 1992.i saw it for the first time at the age of 4 or 5...i wander if i could understand the drama ,but i still watched it time and again.it didn make sense but it did attracted me at that time.

and i just knew that it was a taiwan drama!!however the three main actresses r all hongkongness.ah...it's a taiwan drama,a drama which i think is the most classic one for me.i guess taiwan can nvr hav any classic drama like this liao.
i don't watch tv shows actually,for they r too long and usually boring nowadays(esp those taiwan and mainland ones)but when i re-watched this drama,i can't stop to think abt it,it moved me,so deeply,from the memories,from the present.and i decided to watch it again,it's 50 ep!!!!wahh..gonna spend so much time,but it worth that,so many old shows which i watched thousands of times in my childhood r replayed today,but i don wanna rewatch them,only this one made me want to rewatch,it's a very sudden n strong feeling...the white snake is the most beautiful figure i've ever seen,and the green snake is sooo cute.....for those chinese who hav watched this,must watch.(ok,ok...diff ppl from diff background may hav diff feeling,but it's really classic)

西游记 红楼梦 我儿时看过不知多少遍 然而现在大部分情节还是被淡忘了 再看到重播也没兴致再看一遍。然而,我今天偶然看见了久违的《新白娘子传奇》却不知道为什么,突然产生一种强烈的感觉让我一直看,即使当天的ep结束 满脑子还是回荡着那些在剧集中重复了多少遍的歌曲。我从未有过这样被感动的剧集,我都很少看剧集,荡费时间又多半情节啰嗦牵强。。。为什么会是她,让我有这样的感动,从内心,从记忆中,从现在。我不想说多,感觉的事情,我还没有那么好的表达能力去说清楚。。我也不想在评价什么。只是说我现在意识到《新百》一直在我心底深处未曾褪色,尽管《西游记》等也是经典,但感觉真的是说不清的。

演员的选择也是堪称经典啊,白素贞赵雅芝真是我觉得最漂亮的人,孙燕姿是百看不厌,而赵雅芝则是真真正正的大美女!!!(ok ok,没有可比性,我就是喜欢扯上燕姿,怎么着)把白素贞这个形象塑造成了经典,不可能有人超越了。叶童也把许仙的书生气,老实演绎的惟妙惟肖,扮相也十分俊朗清秀。小时候我一直以为许仙是男人演的,不过现在想想要真是个男人也演不成这样。而且让芝姨天天对着一个男人这样戏剧化的眉来眼去也就太为难了吧。只是我现在看到叶童女人的扮像就很无语。青儿,是我小时侯最喜欢的角色,古灵精怪。



Anonymous said...
February 24, 2009 at 10:40 AM  

hehe^^I agree with you.我最近也看那个了!!白娘子很漂亮……

Anonymous said...
April 5, 2009 at 3:30 PM  
